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TMR 900-03 Weather Station

Hubungi Kami



TMR900-03 Portable Weather Station is a mini weather station that features highly integrated, micro-power consumption, lightweight and elevator tripod for rapid set up. It is ideal for varions of short-term meteorological observations, long-term continuous monitoring of small weather station and requirements of mobile real-time weather data capture; Designed with integration of five often used sensors,including wind direction, wind speed, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, (additional sensors can be customized). The test data can be sent to a fixed meteorological data center or vehicle mobile center system via RS232, RS485, USB or GPRS wireless communications.


  • Emergency meteorological monitoring
  • Individual meteorological support
  • Agricultural weather monitoring
  • Research and teaching
  • Micro-meteorological research



Measure item Measure range Resolution Accuracy
Wind speed 0-45m/s 0.1m/s ±?0.3±0.03V?m/s
Wind direction 0-360º ±3°
Atmospheric temperature -50-+100? 0.1? ±0.5C
Atmospheric humidity 0-100%RH 0.1%RH ±3%
Atmospheric pressure 10-1100hPa 0.1hpa ±0.3hPa
Item Details
Storage capacity Store a consecutive month of record data
Meteorological monitoring software(for free) Use to real-time display, analysis and storage data on the PC
Communication mode Default R232,RS485 & GPRS is optional
Supply Removable 4.8 AH lithium battery, ac adapter, external expanding power box
Electronic compass(optional) With electronic compass when installation does not need to manually to the